I’m a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, with a deep passion for incorporating mind and body to heal and promote a natural state of health and wellbeing.
I have started my journey to holistic nutrition and wellness in 2014 after being diagnosed with an autoimmune illness, SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus).
After realizing that conventional medicine can only take me so far, and really only provide mediocre relief from symptoms and nothing more, it set me on a journey to find what works in the long term. Since then I’ve been able to improve and even restore my health immeasurably! From being bedridden, in constant pain and fatigue, foggy-brained and depressed, to pain and fatigue-free. I have lowered doses of medications significantly, and I have a strong body and robust energy. I can enjoy a daily yoga practice, a vibrant mind, run a business, and best of all, I’m able to be there for my family, my daughter and husband, showing up daily, ready to take on the challenges and joys of my life.
I firmly believe that wellness and feeling our best comes from incorporating nutrition, mind and body to work together to bring back balance to our health and experience wellbeing and fullness of life. Regardless of having a chronic condition. I’m not into food fads, but into scientific and proven methods and changes that impact our health and bodies on a deeper, meaningful and permanent level. I love food and eating and truly believe eating well nourishes your entire life well. Knowing what your body truly wants to feel nurtured and heal is the key to feeling your best and finding your way out of chronic conditions. I am here to offer you a way to feel your best and heal your body and life as much as possible.
I’m honoured to have you join me on this journey of finding a way back to thriving in our bodies and lives.
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Read my tips and advice on living well with autoimmunity.